Thursday, November 4, 2010


Slavery still occurs in modern day in Africa, the Dominican Republic, India, and Pakistan.  In Africa blacks are sold as property and for as little as $15 per human being.  Imagine having no say in your life to haver your whole life determined by a person who apparently "bought" you.  To think that a person's life can be bought for so little.  This occurs to the Dinkas in southern Sudan.  The slaves usually suffer mutilation to prevent their escape and to enforce the owners ideas.  Slaves are mutilated, branded, and beaten.
In India between 200,000 and 300,000 children are held captive and forced to weave on looms for food.  In Pakistan laborers would be shackled in leg-irons and kept hostages.  In the Dominican Republic slaves are gathered to cut cane fields.  Haitians are arrested in homes or jobs and delivered to the field and are forced to work at gunpoint and beaten if they attempt to escape.  It would be horrible to be dragged away from your family to work in fields with no opinion.
However some slaves have been rescued.  The International Labor Rights and Eduacation Fund has rescued many children in India.  The Himan Rigits Commission of Pakistan freed bonded laborers.  Most people believe that slavery no longer exists that it was abolished with the Emancipation Proclamation however slavery still exists today.  Slavery is a violation of a person's right to decide their own life it's always determined by someone who is apparently "superior".  However slavery isn't only owning a person controlling a person in any way I believe is making them a slave.  If we want to fix this problem so that every person can live freely then we should first practice this decision with the people that surround us.
for more information on slavery go to this link:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's awful that slavery is so widespread in the world today, and that most people don't even know about it. Things like this make me realize how lucky we are in America.
