Sunday, October 31, 2010

Puritan Influence

I believe there are some aspects of Puritan society that are still beliefs that a part of our society stills believes and follows.  In Massachusetts in 1649 the Colony implemented certain rules that required parents to teach, and children to accept.  If a child older than 16 years of age would curse, or smite their parents they would be put to death.  Now there are less severe consequences.  The consequences are chosen by the parents unless it becomes necessary to involve the government if harm comes to the parents or child.  While disrespecting one's parents is looked down upon and can result in punishment it isn't as grave as death. 
In the Puritan time a child was to accept what there parents say and that is still the belief.  A child is EXPECTED to listen or accept what there parents are saying however today's youth is more able to express their feelings without the penalty of death.
Another lingering idea that shows that we are still in touch with our Puritan backgrounds is our opinion on adultery.  As portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorne's book the Scarlet Letter adultery was a serious crime that almost always resulted in death except for Hester whe was rather killed socially.  Adultery was a crime in Puritan society and in some states it's still considered a crime.
Puritan morals and society influenced modern society in various ways from the boundaries of marriage to education.

1 comment:

  1. People still believing in the idea that adultery is a bad thing is so true! Look at the recent scandals of tiger woods, and how quickly people put their backs to him! Great Examples!
    p.s. the meaning behind your name is quite awesome!(:
