Sunday, October 24, 2010

American, Mexican, or Mexican American?

There was a time where I was really confused of what nationality I was.  When I went to Mexico on vacation some family members and people living made it clear that I was not like them I was known as a gringa.  Here I wasn't considered American.  I was considered the typical American because my parents were born in Mexico.  I figured I must be somewhere in the middle of Mexico and America kind of like living on the border.  I imagined myself with one foot in Mexico and another here.  Just now I realize what nationality I am.
The way I think about it is that I'm Mexican American.  I can't deny it because every time I look in the mirror I have long dark hair, eyes, and skin.  I look like my mom in almost all her features which are Mexican.  On the other hand I grew up in Chicago so I grew up with the music, culture, and food of America.  But I also grew up with the food, culture, and food of Mexico.  I'm Mexican American because I'm not completely one thing or the other but because I'm a mix of both of them.  There was a time where I thought that the only true American was white because those were the ones who were called gringos .  However there are many Americans, Native American, Chinese American, African American, Mexican American, and those who are considered white are of European descent being Italian American, Irish American, Polish American, and others.
We're all Americans because we have one thing in common we live in America we are here because we believe that there is something offered here that we can't find or are unable to attain where we came from.


  1. Your last sentence is totally true about immigrants. People come to America for that reason of opportunities that is not given in their native countries.

  2. Yes, love. I agree to the fullest, Mexican American all the way, we are the border, the mix. Ancestors came for a better life, and we are the result of that. <:
