Friday, February 4, 2011

Alone or Lonely

I believe Richard is not alone in his cravings.  He is lonely but he is not alone.  There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely.  He isn't alone in his suffering because his mother is also suffering and so is his brother.  They are all hungry not just him.  While it may seem that it's only him but this is only because he is talking about his experience because he can't talk about what his mom or brother were feeling or experiencing.  So not he's not alone it may feel that way to him because he can't understand what is happening and why but he is not the only one.  Richard is going through some really hard situations that are to much for him.  He's going through poverty, hunger, and has mixed feelings about his father.
When we as humans are going through tough situations we feel that we are the only ones but we are not.  Because our situation doesn't just affect us but the people around us to.  Like for example if parents are going through a divorce the parents may be having a hard time but they're not the only ones affected so are the children and the other family members.  What affects one person affects others indirectly and in some cases directly.

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