Friday, November 26, 2010

If I had to pick one person in the class that I'm thankful for in this class I'd pick Anna. She's the person I believe I've most talked to in class. I feel like I can actually talk with Anna I can be myself around her and she's very nice and helpful (she always has a pen that I can use). We work together in class on answering the questions from the scarlet letter. If Anna wasn't in this class I think I'd feel awkward because I feel comfortable working around her because last year we were in the same biology class. I can talk to her about something that isn't school related which makes working with her less awkward and more fun. We also occasionally have a conversation in Spanish. It lets me practice my Spanish outside of my home and at the same time I can help her or correct her Spanish. I feel like we got to know each other better than we did last year and I'm thankful for that. I hope we continue to get to know each other better. Everyone I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a (red) plow

I remember the first time I saw Chente walk in the store.  I was new in the store and I was eager to be bought so that I could help someone.  Chente talked to the cashier of the store and asked where he could get a man plow.  She directed him to the plows in front of me.  He looked at them and saw me he remarked that he liked my red color and bought me.
Chente took me to his house he lived in a small house and had a small barn that was nearly complete and it seemed he wanted to plant crops but needed some thing to help him.  He used me to turn up the soil and I was happy to help him fulfill his dream.  He planted each plant with care until it was dark and then he rinsed me off put me in the warm barn and went to sleep.  I liked how happy he seemed when we worked together.  He had a look of satisfaction and motivation in his eyes.
We spent many years working together helping to create beautiful plants.  However one day he stopped smiling and made me work more than I had worked ever before.  For some reason he stopped treating the earth with kindness.  Then one day we didn't work together and I was wondering what was happening.  He put me next to barn and I saw him on a large machine that did the same work we did in a week done in an hour.  Not only that but it also spread the seeds so he didn't have to do it by himself.  I saw he didn't seem so happy except when he sent something in the mail.  I rusted because he forgot me outside the barn.  He threw me in the barn and that was the last time I saw him.
A couple of years later the forgotten barn door was opened and I saw a small boy.  He was looking for things of interest and seemed to like my red color despite the fact that I was rusty.  He dragged me outside into the sun and I saw so many crops planted.  Then I saw an old man sitting down on a chair with what seemed like a permanent frown on his face.  His face seemed listless and tired, I wondered where the man I knew was.  The boy asked what I was and the old man replied that it was his old plow.  The boy asked if they could use it together to plant some flowers for his mother and the old man agreed.  He forced himself up off the chair and reached to me.  When he grabbed his hands were very familiar.  He then started working with me and he smiled and for a moment I believe I saw a shine in his eyes.  I was so happy I did my best I recognized his smile and it seemed I finally had the chance to make him happy again we kept going from where we left off on our dream.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Honestly I think that some classes in school are kind of pointless because we probably wont need them for anything outside school unless you're actually going to pursue a career in that area.  I believe in a way school does help because the courses we take test our skills in many different ways but also need to teach about life.  Life outside of school is very different which probably leads to hardships.  For example teaching isn't only about knowing the material it's also about having people skills and knowing how to interact with different types of people.  Now some of those classes are offered.  However I believe more of these courses should be taught at school so that students not only persevere in education but in life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Slavery still occurs in modern day in Africa, the Dominican Republic, India, and Pakistan.  In Africa blacks are sold as property and for as little as $15 per human being.  Imagine having no say in your life to haver your whole life determined by a person who apparently "bought" you.  To think that a person's life can be bought for so little.  This occurs to the Dinkas in southern Sudan.  The slaves usually suffer mutilation to prevent their escape and to enforce the owners ideas.  Slaves are mutilated, branded, and beaten.
In India between 200,000 and 300,000 children are held captive and forced to weave on looms for food.  In Pakistan laborers would be shackled in leg-irons and kept hostages.  In the Dominican Republic slaves are gathered to cut cane fields.  Haitians are arrested in homes or jobs and delivered to the field and are forced to work at gunpoint and beaten if they attempt to escape.  It would be horrible to be dragged away from your family to work in fields with no opinion.
However some slaves have been rescued.  The International Labor Rights and Eduacation Fund has rescued many children in India.  The Himan Rigits Commission of Pakistan freed bonded laborers.  Most people believe that slavery no longer exists that it was abolished with the Emancipation Proclamation however slavery still exists today.  Slavery is a violation of a person's right to decide their own life it's always determined by someone who is apparently "superior".  However slavery isn't only owning a person controlling a person in any way I believe is making them a slave.  If we want to fix this problem so that every person can live freely then we should first practice this decision with the people that surround us.
for more information on slavery go to this link: