Thursday, January 13, 2011


In the letter that King Jr. wrote from Birmingham jail he expressed many ideas which I believe were enormously influential in our history to create the society in which we live.  However I think that his ideas were misunderstood in a way.  He was proposing for every human to live unsegregated and I think we still haven't accomplished that in today's society.  While there has been major improvement in the way Negroes are treated I feel that Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't just fighting for them I think he was fighting for all of us trying to free us from the stereotypes and ideas that keep us apart from living peacefully.  There is still segregation and racism however it's not obvious and ignored.
For example why is it that before I came to high school I've never talked to a white person except for my new eight grade teacher?  Why is it that in my elementary school there were only Hispanics and African Americans?  If there is truly no segregation then why do we continue to separate ourselves? For example when I asked my grandfather why he picked the house he lives in he replied that because all his neighbors were Hispanic.  While I can see how it's easier in a way to connect to someone of your own race because we're from the same origin or are aware of the pain or culture that our ethnicity has experienced or has, shouldn't it be possible for us to feel connected to people of other races?  We're all humans and have feelings such as compassion, love, appreciation.  I think that we should work towards a goal were we do not see each other in terms of race or color but rather as the wonderful human being that we are.  When we are no longer separated in our minds and see ourselves as one with everyone surrounding us that is when I believe that we would have accomplished Marting Luther King Jr.'s goal.
Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.
— Sir Winston Churchill


  1. I agree with you. We've come a long way, but we need to work more to realize his dream.

  2. I agree with what you and Jeremiah said but I think that as long as there are different countries and governments in the world, people will always see themselves as part of the country and a representation of that country's glory. If people can really see each other as individual humans, then people must not group themselves with others because if you do, some people will understand you in the way that you joined certain groups and represent their values.
