Thursday, September 23, 2010


In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God their point of view is very strong.  In my opinion it's exaggerated.  According to their belief God hates sinners but he is holding his rage and just waiting for us to make a mistake so that he can damn us.  God is apparently holding back an angry river and an arrow pointed at our heart just waiting for us to make a wrong step.  I wouldn't want to please a god that hates me and I honestly can't understand how anyone would want to.  If even when you do get to heaven and God still hates you then in the end you'll just be living in a different hell.
If I lived in a society like this I would probably end up dead or run away to somewhere where I am free to believe what I choose.  I think everyone has their own idea of God and that no religion can completely please a person in all areas.  Even now when my mother forced me to go to Catholic school so that I could have a quinceañera (which I didn't even want in the first place) I questioned God.  I asked as to how do they know that The Bible isn't just a made up story.  I was angry as to how they claimed other religions to be wrong.  I was unhappy being there because it was unfair and close minded in my opinion.  I don't consider myself Catholic I believe in God but I don't support any religion.  (I didn't mean to offend anyone this is my opinion (=  )


  1. I think you have good point when you say thatif you are living in fear of God than why belive in him at all. I think the reason many people turn to religion is because they need some sort of reasurance that there is something good for us in the end.

  2. yeah it is exaggerated...he makes god look like satan lol
