Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor Future Hero, and Present Fool

I believe that John Proctor is a hero and a fool but depending on the time period in which you set your mind to.  If I was a person in that time who thought similarly to him but kept my thoughts to myself I would consider him a stooge.  A person has to be able to know where and at what time to state ones own opinion.  It would be foolish to speak against the majority population no matter how foolish the situation seems. For example he was surrounded by people who had a very close-minded view of God and seemed to believe in their idea strongly. If a person went against their way of thinking they should confess to witchcraft and point the finger at someone else to save themselves.  While this is foolish it would be even more foolish to try and resolve the problem by oneself.  There is a time and place for everything. In his time he was a fool for getting himself killed.
However John Proctor is also a hero. While he didn't live to see the change that he was trying to prove he was part of it. Whether people admitted to it or not when he had the courage to speak what everyone was terrified to say people started thinking of how unfair it was eventually leading to rebellions and eventually the change of these situations. A good example would be Martin Luther King.  Some slaves might have thought of him as foolish for trying to change things.  There had to be some of them that thought that he shouldn't rebel and if they just conform eventually they would at least be able to get little pay or some benefits. However because he had the courage to rebel and state his opinion and demand change eventually more slaves joined together and rebelled eventually leading to their freedom.  He didn't live to see what he wanted to see in the world but it's because of him that the process of ending slavery started. In other words there had to be a "fool" in order for change to become then they would no longer be considered fools but "heroes". In their times they might have been considered fools but in the future they came to be known as heroes.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God their point of view is very strong.  In my opinion it's exaggerated.  According to their belief God hates sinners but he is holding his rage and just waiting for us to make a mistake so that he can damn us.  God is apparently holding back an angry river and an arrow pointed at our heart just waiting for us to make a wrong step.  I wouldn't want to please a god that hates me and I honestly can't understand how anyone would want to.  If even when you do get to heaven and God still hates you then in the end you'll just be living in a different hell.
If I lived in a society like this I would probably end up dead or run away to somewhere where I am free to believe what I choose.  I think everyone has their own idea of God and that no religion can completely please a person in all areas.  Even now when my mother forced me to go to Catholic school so that I could have a quinceaƱera (which I didn't even want in the first place) I questioned God.  I asked as to how do they know that The Bible isn't just a made up story.  I was angry as to how they claimed other religions to be wrong.  I was unhappy being there because it was unfair and close minded in my opinion.  I don't consider myself Catholic I believe in God but I don't support any religion.  (I didn't mean to offend anyone this is my opinion (=  )

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the Neighborhood

I live where the majority used to be African-American. I went to Morrill School where the majority was also African American and I didn’t really interact with much Hispanics unless they were family or the few that also went to my school. Because the majority is African American I remember when I first started going to school that I didn’t know English and had to be in bilingual classes. This created a language barrier between me and my peers. Because they weren’t used to the way I acted or spoke They didn’t like me very much.
We not only looked very different but also I had a distinct way of speaking and acting which led to their rejection of me. I often heard racist comments such as beaner, wetback and other comments. Even though I didn’t know English well enough I still understood the curse words however when I learned English and stopped taking bilingual classes I was accepted a little bit more. I never gained complete acceptance because I not only looked different but I had different beliefs and priorities than my other peers. I was serious, quiet, and kept to myself while my most of my classmates were social, loud, and very open to what they feel.
While my race did affect me I feel that it wouldn’t have been so bad if I would have changed to their way. If I would have started talking, acting, and doing things like my classmates I probably would have been accepted. However when more Hispanics started joining the class and classes were more mixed it was harder for the same issue to recur because it was almost the same amount of each race in the school. That made it harder for them to reject the idea of different ways of talking, acting, or doing things.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello I'm Margarita Santamaria.  I grew up in Southside Chicago and went to Morrill Elementary School.  I have three younger brothers Mauricio, Rogelio, and Reynaldo. Roge and Rey are twins.  I am the oldest and only girl.  We all live with my mother she came from Guadalajara, Jalisco.  My dad is from Mexico City.  Me and my brothers are first generation here.  I love music and play guitar and cello also a little bit of violin.  I aspire to pursue a career in music.  Though it would also be awesome to travel the world or even study to be a veterinarian.  I'm not sure what to do yet but if possible I'll do several different careers.  I like playing guitar, reading, and skating in my spare time.  I love autumn because of how the trees change color and it makes it a lot more fun to travel around the city looking at the bright yellows, and tantalizing oranges, and flaming reds  especially since it's not as hot as summer autumn is almost here.  Well that's a little bit about me arrivederci! =)