Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tell Tale Heart

While some people think that he did not kill the old man, I believe he did.  Even though towards the end of the story it seems like he is hallucinating and hearing things I think he actually did kill the old man.  I also think I understand why he keeps repeating that he is not a madman.  For example, it has been scientifically proven that when a person really needs to they have the ability to lift a car up.  This is just proof that when a person is in great need or distress we are able to do things that otherwise we would have not known we were capable of.  However, when a person is angry they do not function well like how if professional fighters get angry their quality of fighting goes down because they are no longer focused.  Therefore, a madman would not be able to commit a murder the way the narrator did because he planned it all out and did it in such a way that he could have gotten away with it. He says he has a disease that has sharpened his senses making his sense of hearing acute.  
I think it is only until the end that we are able to think that he is a madman because he seems to be hallucinating since he believes the heart is beating and that he threw a chair but the policemen did not react.  I think the only reason we think he is a madman has partly to do with him repeating that he is not and with the idea that murder is thought to be something inconceivable to a sane person.  If we believed that everyone was capable of murder not just madmen then it would be less likely that we believe the character in the story is a madmen.

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