Saturday, March 26, 2011

On the Reservation

Frankly I don't know much about reservations I didn't even know there were any still in existence.  I admire Native Americans because many of them live in reservations and even though they have all the reasons to resent people because their land, animals, and a lot of their people were taken away from them.  However they continue to live and follow their culture. Usually when a group of people is conquered they tend to lose everything and give up their way of life.  Native Americans didn't they continue to live the way they believe is right.
I think it would be an amazing experience to live in a reservation to learn their ways and see the world in a different way than we do.  An important lesson that we all have to learn is to share.  From when we're little kids if someone tries to take away a toy from we stay it is ours.  I think in order for us to coexist with all people and to have a good relationship with them we must all rid ourselves of that ideology where we can own something.  We can think that we all live on this earth and all enjoy its resources none of it has to necessarily belong to one person or group.

1 comment:

  1. Your opinion about the earth belonging to not one person or group is just so true. Although people can openly say that, not many people would actually follow that ideal. From the time we were born, we always have thoughts about something belonging solely to us so it is really hard to give away or share something. I truly admire the Native Americans for so "willingly agree" to live on reservations even if they were "forced" to.
