Monday, December 20, 2010

Rodrigo y Gabriela Hanuman

Rodrigo and Gabriela are two guitarists from Mexico.  Now you would think they probably play Mariachi music or learned classical guitar.  However they thrived of rock music and learned Metallica, Led Zep, and Hendrix songs.  They played in a rock band called Tierra Acida which means acid earth. They went to Europe and played there in the bars and with local players in the streets.
At first I thought they were flamenco guitarists but the more I listened to them the more I realized that there music was a mix of very different styles.  Gabriela's rhythm techniques at points sound like flamenco but it has some rock aspects to it. Their unique style can't be described in one word.  When I heard them I literally got goosebumps of how good they were.  Everyone should check them out.  One song that I really liked was Hanuman here's the link for youtube:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gatsby and Nick

At the beginning of the story it seems that Jay and Nick will be very good friends.  It seems that Gatsby is sincerely interested in being Nick's friend.  However I wonder if he knew from the beginning that Nick was aquainted with Daisy.  If he was then it would be that their relationship was planned from the beginning so that Gatsby could at one point see Daisy again.
I believe Nick is also asking himself these questions as he starts to doubt whether anything that Gatsby says is the truth.  It seems he starts to become annoyed with Gatsby as he starts asking questions about Daisy and meeting her for lunch.  So far it's still hard to determine whether their friendship is real or whether it's just part of the plan including Daisy.